About Me

My Way Of Health & Life

Dedicated to honoring my innate gifts and abilities, and knowing my choices in life are my own. Our growth comes from good and bad experiences, regardless of the consequences brought about by our decisions. My dedication to you is helping you embrace your uniqueness, your  inner soul, and giving you the power to change how you live life.   
  – – Brian Maltese, Life Coach/Nutrition Coach/Spirit Driven Guide- –

"Sometimes What You Think You Need is Not What Your Soul Has Planned."

Zen guy bri

My name is Brian, nickname Bri, and also known as being a person dedicated to helping others live a more purpose driven, zen like life., free from the chaos that can be brought on by an external world that is not filled with love and peace.

Tennis Instructor

Health & Nutrition Life Coach

beach, balance, wallpaper

Web Designer

live with purpose

Embrace Your Destiny by Embracing Your Journey.